El Secundo Lifo

[16:22] You: penis [16:22] You: scrotum [16:23] marmalade Writer: nads? [16:23] You: yes child [16:23] Bonzo Chesnokov: gonoids [16:23] You: alright dont get carried away! [16:23] You: there's always one that tries to fit in

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Common Courtesy Is A Myth

One of two things has happened on this rapidly decaying planet, either manners are now a part of history or women have just forgotten how to see the tells. Let's take an example of a scenario I was placed in recently.

While sailing along the headache inducing river we call life I found myself in a position where I'd hold open the door for a woman just because it's common practice. Now one of two things can happen usually.
1. The woman thanks you kindly and you carry on with your day feeling like a top bloke. This is the more preferable option although there is an alternative.
2. The woman says nothing and while feeling fucking mugged off for her rudeness and general cuntish behaviour and having friends tell you you should have "Punched her in the tit" for not saying thank you, you still feel ok because you know you're a decent bloke.
These were the only two outcomes until the other day, when i stumble upon outcome number 3.
3. The woman stands IN the doorway chatting bollocks to her sycophantic friends while you're left standing there like a muppet thinking "Do I tell her to just fucking move?". In the end you either barge your way through or in my case say "If you'd shut your clap trap for two seconds you'd realise you're blocking the fucking door". So now my previous gesture of courtesy has been crushed under the sharpened heel of a stilleto and I'm prone to abuse from a pack of hyenas bloodthirsty to be accepted into the social strata.
From this I have concluded that you should only open doors for women who don't look like they enjoy rolling around in grease and who can talk without screaming.