El Secundo Lifo

[16:22] You: penis [16:22] You: scrotum [16:23] marmalade Writer: nads? [16:23] You: yes child [16:23] Bonzo Chesnokov: gonoids [16:23] You: alright dont get carried away! [16:23] You: there's always one that tries to fit in

Thursday, 24 January 2008

OAPs Should Be Given ASBO's

That's right, Old Age Pensioners or "old people". In case you don't know, an ASBO is an Anti-Social Behaviour Order given out by the police. If you're thinking "Bless 'em they're old and dithering" you are wrong.

Old people like to use incompetence as a shroud for their evil and satanistic mischiefs. Maybe like me you've sometimes walked down the street and you've been walking on a constant course when...


Old lady twelve o'clock, just walked straight in front of you and stopped to "go through her handbag". Yeah right, funny how it couldn't have been anyone else she stopped in front of, just a "young person". And what is that anyway? The last time I caught the bus I was sitting in those seats for the elderly and disabled cause there were no others and no old people or disabled, it's fair game right? Well as soon as the first matron of satan stepped onto the bus I kindly offered my seat and that crone from the lower staircase of Hades looked right at me...PRETENDED to ignore me and hobbled on. But not before muttering to her compatriot "Fucking kids today so bloody fucking rude".

<---This typical road sign doesn't event attempt to hide the fact that old people are agents of hell. It even shows them transforming back into human form. And not forgetting, the old woman is clearly a pickpocket.
That's not to mention, have you ever been "accidentally" twatted by an old person's walking stick, yeah they put on a good limp but you get within 2 metres the facade drops and they turn into something from a John Woo film. And the convenience of how slow they are to pay at tills when a young person is behind them, but as soon as that tannoy system blares out that stamps are on offer they fucking race down those aisles.

Not everyone is blind, get your zimmo's cracking before I steal your motorised shopping trolley.

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